MAC/LDAC Joint Advice on the activity and impact of the Chinese Distant Water Fleet
The Long Distance Fleet (LDAC) and Market (MAC) Advisory Councils of the EU have adopted a joint advice addressing China's global distant water fleet (DWF) activities and its implications for fisheries governance worldwide.
Recommendations on an EU Framework for a Sustainable Food System
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission on the setting-up of an EU framework for a Sustainable Food System.
China Distant Water Fleets (MAC/LDAC)
MAC-LDAC Joint Advice on China Distant Water Fleet
Incorporation of Measurement and Communication on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Fishery and Aquaculture Products
MAC Advice on Incorporation of Measurement and Communication on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Fishery and Aquaculture Products
Sustainable Food System – Setting Up an EU Framework
MAC Advice on EU Framework for a Sustainable Food System
Commissioner Sinkevičius letter on December Council
Commissioner Sinkevičius letter to the MAC Chair and OIG Vice-Chair on December Council
EUMOFA Study on Aquaculture Outlets
MAC Advice on the European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA): Suggestion of study on the challenges of aquaculture products in food outlets.
Recommendations on EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission on the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities. The EU taxonomy is a classification system that establishes a list of environmentally sustainable...
Empowering Consumer in Green Transition
MAC Advice on Empowering the Consumer for the Green Transition.
EU Taxonomy
MAC Advice on EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities.