MAC/LDAC Joint Advice on the activity and impact of the Chinese Distant Water Fleet
The Long Distance Fleet (LDAC) and Market (MAC) Advisory Councils of the EU have adopted a joint advice addressing China's global distant water fleet (DWF) activities and its implications for fisheries governance worldwide.
Recommendations on an EU Framework for a Sustainable Food System
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission on the setting-up of an EU framework for a Sustainable Food System.
Recommendations on EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission on the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities. The EU taxonomy is a classification system that establishes a list of environmentally sustainable...
Recommendations on Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish Products for Human Consumption
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission on the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish Products for Human Consumption.
Performance Review (2019-2022)
In line with Article 7a of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/242, the Market Advisory Council shall subject itself at least once every five years to an independent performance review.
Invitation to Tender – MAC Secretariat Services (2020-2023)
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) must sign a new contract for secretariat services for a period of up to 3 years. The duration of this contract would be from 1 October 2020 until 30 September 2023. The awarding of the contract...
New Commission Study on Dual Quality of Food
On June 24, the European Commission announced the publication of a study by the Joint Research Centre assessing differences in the composition of EU food products. Last year, the Market Advisory Council contributed to the discussion with an opinion on...
MAC Meetings (February 2019)
The next MAC meetings (all Working Groups and General Assembly) will take place on the 12 and 13 of February in Bilbao (Spain), at the Bilbao Exhibition Center, where the Eurofishing event will take place as well. Silken Indautxu Hotel has reserved a...
MAC Guidelines & Good Practices: Production & Marketing Plans
A high definition version suitable for printing is available upon request, due to the size of the file The MAC organised an event on the production and marketing plans (PMPs) foreseen in the Common Markets Organisation (CMO) , Common Fisheries...
Invitation to Tender – MAC Secretariat Services (2017-2020)
Documents Invitation to Tender MAC Secretariat Services 1 October 2017 – 30 September 2020 Open Tender Procedure