Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation: Impacts of the package reuse targets for the EU, fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing industries
MAC's advice: Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation: Impacts of the package reuse targets for the EU, fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing industries
Upcoming Delegated Act on Additional Rules for Traceability of FAPs and Marking of Lots
MAC advice on the upcoming delegated act on additional rules for traceability of fresh and frozen fishery and aquaculture products and marking of lots.
Fishery Sustainability Indicators
MAC advice on the development of Fishery Sustainability Indicators by STECF.
Management of Octopus in Western Austral Waters
Joint MAC-SWWAC advice about standardising knowledge and management of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) in South-Western Waters.
Recommendation on consumer information on fishery and aquaculture products, particularly in the context of the HORECA Sector
Joint MAC-AAC advice about consumer information on fishery and aquaculture products, particularly in the context of the HORECA Sector.
Study supporting the evaluation of the Landing Obligation
MAC advice on the study supporting the evaluation of the Landing Obligation.
STECF’s Economic Report on the Fish Processing Industry (2025)
MAC advice on STECF’s 2025 Economic Report on the Fish Processing Industry.
Valorisation of fisheries and aquaculture by-products
Joint-AC Advice (NSAC, MAC, AAC, and CCRUP) on valorisation of fisheries and aquaculture by-products.
Better protecting sharks through sustainable fishing and trade
MAC advice on better protecting sharks through sustainable fishing and trade
Product Environmental Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish for Human Consumption
MAC advice on Product Environmental Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish for Human Consumption