Cell-Based Protein of Aquatic Animals
MAC Advice on Cell-Based Protein of Aquatic Animals
External Study on Forced Labour
Due to the significant importance of international trade in the market of fisheries and aquaculture products, the Market Advisory Council commissioned an external study to evaluate the implication of forced labour in the global market and how it potentially affects...
Inclusion of indicators of economic sustainability in the STECF’s EU aquaculture sector report
MAC and AAC advice on the inclusion of indicators of economic sustainability in the STECF’s EU aquaculture sector report
Call for Tender – Administrative and Financial Support Services
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) is looking to contract administrative and financial support services to assist the appointed Secretary General in the work.
Recruitment: Secretary General
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) is looking for a Secretary General (fulltime position).
Recommendations for Improving the Labelling Legislation for Plant-Based Imitations of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) delivered recommendations to the European Commission for an improvement of the labelling legislation for plant-based imitations of fisheries and aquaculture products.
Improving the Labelling Legislation for Plant-Based Imitations of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products
MAC advice on improving the Labelling Legislation for Plant-Based Imitations of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products
Recommendations for harmonised import controls to prevent the entry of IUU fishing in the EU market
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) and the Long Distance Advisory Council (LDAC) delivered recommendations to the EU Member States and to the European Commission on the need for harmonisation of import controls to prevent products of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated...
Harmonised import controls to prevent IUU fishing products from entering EU market
MAC-LDAC Advice on the need for harmonised import controls between Member States in order to prevent the products of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing from entering the European Union market