Forced Labour in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Market
Recommendations, from a fisheries and aquaculture market perspective, to improve the legislative proposal on banning products made from forced labour in the EU market
Substantiation of Green Claims
MAC advice on the substantiation of Green Claims
Commissioner Sinkevičius letter to ACs – December Council 2023
Commissioner Sinkevičius letter to the MAC Chair and Vice-Chairs on December Council 2023
Forced Labour
MAC advice on forced labour in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Market
MAC Letter on ongoing legislative developments on the so-called “stiffening” technique
MAC's letter on ongoing legislative developments on the so-called “stiffening” technique
EUMOFA Study on EU Tuna Sector (Priorities & Scope)
MAC advice on EUMOFA Study on EU Tuna Sector (Priorities & Scope)
Cell-Based Protein of Aquatic Animals
MAC Advice on Cell-Based Protein of Aquatic Animals
External Study on Forced Labour
Due to the significant importance of international trade in the market of fisheries and aquaculture products, the Market Advisory Council commissioned an external study to evaluate the implication of forced labour in the global market and how it potentially affects...