Market Advisory Council
Read the latest news and press releases
High-Level Roundtable on the European Oceans Pact
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) Chair Yobana Bermúdez, participated in the first High-Level Roundtable on the European Oceans Pact.
Expert Group for Markets and Trade in Fishery and Aquaculture Products
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) Secretary General, Pedro Reis Santos, delivered a presentation at the meeting of the Expert Group for Markets and Trade in Fishery and Aquaculture Products.
Event at the European Parliament on the Role of the Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) co-hosted an event at the European Parliament on the Role of the Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy.
Meeting with Commissioner Kadis and Director-General Vitcheva on 2025 fishing opportunities
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) met with Commissioner Kadis and Director-General Vitcheva to discuss 2025 fishing opportunities.
Recommendations on consumer information requirements for fishery and aquaculture products in the HORECA Sector
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) and the Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) provided recommendations to the European Commission and to the EU Member States concerning the provision of consumer information on fishery and aquaculture products, particularly in the hotels, restaurants, and...
Recommendations on the trade of fishery and aquaculture products between the EU and Norway
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) provided recommendations to the European Commission concerning ongoing developments in the trade relationship between the EU and Norway, specifically on the trade of fishery and aquaculture products.
Informal meeting with MARE A4 (Markets)
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) held an informal meeting with Unit A4 (Economic Analysis, Markets and Impact Assessment) of DG MARE.
Recommendations on the impact of the Commission’s “Marine Action Plan” on the market of fishery and aquaculture products
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) provided recommendations to the European Commission concerning the communication “EU Action Plan: protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems for Sustainable and resilient Fisheries”, known as the “Marine Action Plan”.
Negotiations for an EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement
The Market Advisory Council (MAC) provided recommendations to the European Commission concerning the ongoing negotiations for an EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement, which were relaunched last year.
Meeting with Commissioner Sinkevičius on 2024 fishing opportunities
Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius invited the Chairs & Vice-Chairs of the 11 Advisory Councils for a roundtable discussion about the decisions on fishing opportunities for 2024 ahead of the upcoming meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries configuration of the Council of...
Forced Labour in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Market
Recommendations, from a fisheries and aquaculture market perspective, to improve the legislative proposal on banning products made from forced labour in the EU market
External Study on Forced Labour
Due to the significant importance of international trade in the market of fisheries and aquaculture products, the Market Advisory Council commissioned an external study to evaluate the implication of forced labour in the global market and how it potentially affects...