Market Advisory Council
The MAC regularly exchanges with the European Commission, the EU Member States, and other entities on matters relevant for the EU market of fishery and aquaculture products
MAC – FAO Guidance on Social Responsibility
Europêche-ETF-LDAC letter on guidance on social responsibility in fish value chains.
DG MARE – Postponement of Inter-AC Meeting
Inter-ACs Coordination Meeting postponed to next January.
DG MARE – Follow-up on NGOs meeting
Follow-up to the meeting with NGO representatives on the functioning of the Advisory Councils.
DG MARE – Allocation of funds & seminar on financial issues
Allocation of funds to the Advisory Councils (ACs) and organisation of a seminar on financial issues.
DG MARE – Annual Report on Implemmentation in 2019 of Landing Obligation
Annual report on the implementation in 2019 of the landing obligation.
MAC – Congratulatory letter to Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius
Congratulatory letter to Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius.
DG MARE – Annual Report on Implemmentation in 2016 of Landing Obligation
Annual report on the implementation of the landing obligation (Regulation (EU) 2015/812 amending Regulation (EU) 1380/2013, Article 15.14).
DG MARE – Funding of the Market Advisory Council
Funding of the Market Advisory Council.
MAC – Request of DG MARE support to promote the MAC towards Member States
Market Advisory Council signatories request support from DG MARE to promote the MAC towards Member States.