EUMOFA Study on EU Tuna Sector (Priorities & Scope)
MAC advice on EUMOFA Study on EU Tuna Sector (Priorities & Scope)
2022 Implementation of Landing Obligation
MAC Advice on the 2022 Implementation of Landing Obligation
EUMOFA Study EU tuna sector
MAC Advice on European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA) study on price structure analysis of the supply chain of EU tuna sector within the global tuna market
Dissemination of 2022 PMPs Document
MAC Advice on the Dissemination of MAC Guidelines & Good Practices: Production & Marketing Plans
Awareness on the role of POs
MAC Advice on the awareness of the role of Producer Organisations
Disturbances in the market of fisheries and aquaculture products due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
MAC advice on Disturbances in the market of fisheries and aquaculture products due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
MAC suggestions of studies to be integrated in EUMOFA Work Programme (2023)
MAC suggestions of studies to be integrated in European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA) Work Programme (2023)
Incorporation of Measurement and Communication on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Fishery and Aquaculture Products
MAC Advice on Incorporation of Measurement and Communication on Environmental and Social Sustainability in Fishery and Aquaculture Products
Transnationality of Fishery and Aquaculture Producer Organisations and of Inter-Branch Organisations
Recommendations relating to transnationality of fishery and aquaculture producer organisations and of inter-branch organisations.