Market Advisory Council
The MAC provides advice to the European Commission and EU Member States on matters relevant for the EU market of fishery and aquaculture products
EU Taxonomy
MAC Advice on EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities and Draft Technical Screening Criteria for Fishing Activities.
Maximum Sulphite Levels in Crustaceans
MAC Advice on Maximum Sulphite Levels in Crustaceans.
Product Environmental Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish for Human Consumption
Recommendations relating to product Environmental Category Rules (PEFCR) for Marine Fish for Human Consumption.
Transnationality of Fishery and Aquaculture Producer Organisations and of Inter-Branch Organisations
Recommendations relating to transnationality of fishery and aquaculture producer organisations and of inter-branch organisations.
2022 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet
Recommendations ahead of the 13-17 June STECF meeting.
Annual Report on the Implementation in 2021 of the Landing Obligation
Advice on the need to collect better data and develop more infrastructure to ensure a smooth implementation of the landing obligation.
Trade Policy Instruments and Impact on the EU Market for Fishery and Aquaculture Products – Improvement of Data
Need for an improvement of available data on trade policy instruments and their impact on the EU Market for Fishery and Aquaculture Products.
Revision of EU Legislation on Animal Welfare
Recommendations regarding the revision of the EU legislation concerning animal welfare in the framework of the Farm to Fork strategy.
Public Consultation on Revision of EU Regulation on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers
Background information, current state of play and recommendations to the Commission concerning the Revision of the Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers.
EU-Level Targets for Food Waste Reduction
Policy options, likely impacts of food waste measures and recommendations to the Commission concerning the setting of EU-level targets for food waste reduction.